Childcare in Saint Paul is a real burden.  Too many families can’t afford early learning programs for their kids.  It keeps parents from building the careers that they want and too many of our kids are showing up to kindergarten unprepared to succeed.  Even families without cost concerns have trouble finding a program for their child or making the best decision on which program is right for their family.

We can build a better future for every family in Saint Paul.  We are making great strides on early education and childcare accessibility in Saint Paul.  The City Council added an initiative to the ballot this fall that will devote a special property levy to ensuring every family has the resources they need and every kindergartener is ready to succeed.  Tuition and fee support for families that need a little support and a one-stop shop for all families to find the program that’s right for their children.  We hope you’ll join us in keeping the momentum going for our youngest learners and their families.